Conference Day Two

8:30 am Registration & Coffee

9:20 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Exploring State and Federal Level Innovation

9:30 am A State Authority Perspective on Medicaid Reimbursement for Cell & Gene Therapies

  • Josh Moore Director of Pharmacy, State of Missouri


  • Sharing experiences on negotiating payment terms with manufacturers
  • The new Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Final Rule & CMMI Access Models: how are these impacting CGT reimbursement at the state-level in 2025?
  • Discussing CGT patient data evidence generation efforts

10:00 am State Medicaid Coverage and Reimbursement Landscape for CAR-T’s


  • Current landscape for inpatient and outpatient coverage and reimbursement
  • How it differs between Managed Medicaid and state-managed coverage
  • CMS Final Rule for state Medicaid programs and impacts on CAR-T
  • Additional future trends or considerations

10:30 am Roundtable Discussion: Driving Policy Reforms and Multistakeholder Actions to Progress the Field


Roundtables include a larger focus on group discussion. A moderator will introduce the session topic to attendees with a presentation, before they split into groups to work through a series of topic areas. At the end, all groups report back on their discussions, and findings are collated.

This roundtable will cover:

  • Necessary steps for fair pricing mechanisms to both recoup manufacturing costs and reduce payer uncertainty
  • Developing robust data infrastructures to support patient outcome tracking
  • Suggesting policy reforms to improve equitable access across geographic regions and socioeconomic backgrounds

11:15 am Morning Break & Networking

Improving Value Demonstration & Evidence Generation

12:00 pm CGT Market Forecasting to Support Underwriting, Pricing & Product Development


Speaking Position Reserved for Milliman

12:30 pm Hemgenix: Developing Methods to Model US Population Uptake


  • Cross-functional design of a long-term impact study on Hemgenix adoption in the US, and resulting budget impact forecasts
  • Fine-tuning the model to make it as predictive as possible
  • Leveraging data to help payers understand the economic benefits of the therapy

1:00 pm Lunch & Networking

2:00 pm Robust Evidence Generation & Value Demonstration Activities to Support Commercialization

  • Joel Iff Executive Director, Global Access, Value & Evidence, Sarepta Therapeutics


  • Boosting the value proposition of commercial therapies through real-world evidence (RWE) and publications
  • Navigating guidance on incorporating RWE into regulatory and HTA submissions
  • Key considerations when working on commercial programmes with payer uncertainty over durability and therapeutic benefit

Developing Effective Payer Engagement Strategies

2:30 pm Navigating the Current Trends in Stop-Loss Insurance


  • Clarifying these policies: their goals, methods, benefits and drawbacks in providing access to CGTs, particularly for self-insured plan sponsors
  • How are reinsurance companies thinking about risk-based agreements for the success of these therapies?
  • Is there an opportunity for manufacturers to directly contract with them?
  • How can manufacturers work to ensure their therapies aren’t lasered out of plans?

3:00 pm Panel Discussion: Refining Drug Manufacturer-Payer Engagement Strategies


  • Setting out a timeline through clinical development for touchpoints with payers
  • Practical advice to develop meaningful relationships with both large, national; and small, regional payers
  • Which areas of the CGT value demonstration story are often overlooked during payer interactions?

3:40 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

3:45 pm End of Conference